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New Moon in Scoprio

New Moon in Scoprio

A season for spiritual maintenance – Go deep or go home kind of vibe

By Inés Kelly

Every new moon a new lunar cycle begins. It is a grand portal that opens itself to manifest with the lunar energies. If we are aware of it or not, we are influenced by the moon. Some who feel the subtle energies might be more receptive to the moon’s sensitivity than others. Nevertheless, we all have the opportunity to work with the lunar energies that are playing at large. 

The moon rules over nature, the tides in the ocean, even animals live in tune with the lunar ways. For example, bees, owls and oysters all follow the lunar rhythms in the way they live and mate. Humans consisting of approximately 70% water which is held together in this solid vessel of ours are equally influenced by the moon. Some lunar phases are stronger than others. Although many assume that the energies of the Full Moon are when the moon is at its most intense, in reality, the New Moon has an even stronger pull in our energies emphasizing our subconscious mind. 

On the New Moon is when everything is at its lowest - our energies, our digestion, our bodily functions - making it an optimal point in time to do any fast or juice cleanse. 




Scorpio, the intuitive

On Thursday, 4 November 2021, we have a New Moon in the sign of Scorpio. 

Scorpio is probably the most feared and misunderstood astrological sign. They have a strong sense of seeing through any bullshit. They are like hounds for the truth. They are not afraid to peer through the darkness and go to places where others might feel uncomfortable. Water signs are known to be emotional, intuitive, sensitive and observers.

Scorpio as a sign embodies transformation. Their affirmation is "I transform". It is not unusual that Scorpio finds themselves through one transformation after another. Sometimes not recognizing themselves anymore as they are here to evolve in such an expansive way. They represent the full circle of life - birth, life, death, rebirth, being co-ruled by the planet of karma and transformation itself, Pluto. 

☽ In their low expression, they victimize themselves in their emotions and are overwhelmed by their sensitivity. they become overprotective in their space and develop sharp tongues that sting.

☽ In their high expression, they understand that their sensitivity is their biggest gift - to feel life to the furthest extent and make their pain, pleasure into alchemy and know how to channel their sensitivities to make a world a more healed place.




When the moon is in scorpio

Scorpio is a water sign. The moon already represents the element of water embodying our emotional body and intuition. When the moon lands in Scorpio it can heighten your intuitive and spiritual abilities. I recommend meditating while sitting in a bath on the New Moon and drawing in the lunar abilities to activate your psychic and intuitive gifts. 

Use this New Moon as an opportunity to renew your energies, by allowing yourself to have a break, even if it is just only for one night like the moon itself. She also takes a step back and goes completely dark for one night.

Fill up your cup this New Moon, the more you relax, the more you will receive. The more you will attract what your heart truly desires. Because you let go of the strong grip you might have on your manifestations that automatically block them from flowing to you effortlessly.




New moon intentions

Create your list of new moon intentions. I like to create only one intention that I would like to concentrate on this lunar cycle. I always have an ongoing list of desires and manifestations, however, every New Moon I focus on soley one intention. What do I truly want to create more of this lunar cycle?

You can create your list of one intention or many.. Follow your intuition on that one and what feels most alive for you right now. After cleansing your energy, take a moment to reflect on the past lunar cycle. 

Here are some reflection questions:

☽ what came through this past lunar cycle?

☽ what worked well?

☽ what did not work so well?

☽ what intentions that you set last new moon are no longer in alignment with where you are now currently at? What changed?

☽ what are the new intentions you would like plant in the fertile energy of the new moon?


Journaling prompts for the new moon in scorpio

☽ what happened the last time the moon was in a major moon sign for example around in may when the full moon was in scorpio?

☽ what manifestations did you desire in the last new moon in scorpio?

☽ what are you ready to fully transform this new lunar cycle?

This Scorpio season, expect spiritual turbulence and maintenance. Know that anything that might trigger you is an invitation to grow. Invite your inner Witch to be revealed and begin to create magic in your everyday life through your spiritual practices. 




About Inés Kelly

Inés Kelly is a healer, moon astrologer and writer. She creates sacred spaces for women to heal through her 1:1 sessions and moon ceremonies. Lover of all things cycles: astrological, menstrual, lunar, seasonal. Ines started her journey with Astrology when she was 18 years old and the Moon became her daily muse during her second pregnancy. She became interested in the connection between women and their cycle with the Moon and eventually build a tribe of women, sitting together in ceremonies, sharing and learning how to live in alignment with their cycles, the moon and how to heal through ancient shamanic journeys. 

Ines deep desire for all women is to help them return back to a more cyclical way, to ebb and flow with life and nature, without trying to control results. She is devoted to igniting in women that inner sense of deep trust for life, their intuition and gifts. You can find and join Ines Moon Ceremonies at and on Instagram.

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