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New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini

Fast talking, curious, well-informed, and witty, Gemini. It’s a time to connect with one another, exchange ideas and use our curious and inquisitive mind! Let’s explore the current lunar energies, in particular, the New Moon in Gemini.



The mutable energies of Gemini embraces change. That is the key word here. These energies help us transition seasons creating a bridge, a passageway from spring to summer. While we cross this bridge of changeable energies, we can take a moment to reflect on our intentions for the beginning of Spring.

Did your desires begin to take form? Has anything changed since Aries season/beginning of Spring? What realizations did you receive from this past Eclipse Season?



Being the symbol of the twins, Gemini loves to engage with someone in deep conversation to exchange information, teach and connect with. Take advantage of these extroverted energies and connect with your community during this season of Gemini. What is currently on your mind that desires to be expressed and shared with those around you? 

It is a season to truly manifest through the power of the word. In shamanic cultures, the word has power and can mold and form the web of life we are creating.


Similar to the well-known magic word, abracadabra, which translates into “I create while I speak”.


The words we speak vibrate into the Universe and create ripples. Speak your dreams out loud to yourself in the mirror or to the Universe. 


We will journey through the curious energies of Gemini until 21 June. You might find yourself being more open to trying new things and making new contacts and discoveries. Let yourself be led by your curiosity this season.

Mercury Retrograde 

It is also relevant to mention that we are currently in an astrological phase known as Mercury Retrograde. During this time, it is important to know that things might get interrupted momentarily. The thing is that Mercury can have a bit of a trickster energy. This retrograde started on 10 May and will last until 2 June 2022. 



My survival tips during Mercury retrograde 

  • Grounding techniques, i.e. long walks in nature, commune with nature, walk barefoot, move your body 
  • Breathe deeply when things get momentarily interrupted 
  • Slow things down as much as possible 
  • Finish things you started that have been on your mind for a while 
  • Ignore exes when they slide into your DM’s 
  • Read all the fine print before any big purchase or contract signing
  • Postpone purchasing any electronic devices until after the retrograde 
  • Observe yourself when you are feeling triggered by any delays or plan changes 


Reflection questions

As we transition into the energies of Gemini, I have created some reflection questions for you to reflect deeper about the current energies. Writing is another form of expression that goes so well with the communicative energies of Gemini. Let’s journal and ponder: 

♊︎ How have I been using my voice this year? Where can I voice myself more?

♊︎ How can I invite more spontaneity into my life?

♊︎ How do I normally deal with change in my life? 

♊︎ What seeds did I plant in the beginning of Spring/Aries season that is beginning to take form?

♊︎ As the seasons are slowly transitioning, what do I desire to see change currently in my life as well?


Shamanic Moon Ritual 

Connecting with the air element opens us up as a channel and vessel for inspiration, divine connection and Universal guidance. 

What desires to be expressed through you and voiced/shared with others? 

Now that the Eclipse season is over, we can finally activate our magnetic manifestation powers back on! This New Moon, I invite you to take a moment to reflect on your intentions. What do you desire to manifest with this New Moon in Gemini? 


Take a moment to write down your answer. Next go stand in front of a mirror, and speak your intentions out loud to you. Make sure to use words in the present tense, like an affirmation, as if they are already here. Look into your eyes and declare your desires to be yours! 


 Notice how it makes you feel to speak these words out loud. Do you feel resistance in your body, as if it’s too good to be true? Do you feel insecure or maybe even silly? Does it make your heart glow and your face light up? That is all valid, and hold space for yourself, while you explore your emotions. 


Write down your New Moon intention and put it next to your mirror as a reminder. Everytime you see it, reaffirm it to yourself in the mirror. Speak it out loud - you are communicating with the Universe like this and claiming it to be yours! This is a magical way to connect with the element of air this Gemini season and activate your throat chakra connected to communication. 

Summer Solstice 

In shamanic cultures, we honor transitions and these transitory energies deeply through ceremony, celebration and ritual. Which is why I invite you to take a moment on the Summer Solstice to do a ritual for yourself. A powerful portal to tune within and create ritual. 

Join my Summer Solstice Ceremony happening on Sunday, 19 June in Meilen at the beautiful location in nature, Yoga Scheune. ByAdushka friends receive 11% off with the discount code: BYADUSHKAFRIEND 

Moon blessings and thank you for reading, 

Inés Kelly




About Inés Kelly

Inés Kelly is a healer, moon astrologer and writer. She creates sacred spaces for women to heal through her 1:1 sessions and moon ceremonies. Lover of all things cycles: astrological, menstrual, lunar, seasonal. Ines started her journey with Astrology when she was 18 years old and the Moon became her daily muse during her second pregnancy. She became interested in the connection between women and their cycle with the Moon and eventually build a tribe of women, sitting together in ceremonies, sharing and learning how to live in alignment with their cycles, the moon and how to heal through ancient shamanic journeys. 

Ines deep desire for all women is to help them return back to a more cyclical way, to ebb and flow with life and nature, without trying to control results. She is devoted to igniting in women that inner sense of deep trust for life, their intuition and gifts. You can find and join Ines Moon Ceremonies at and on Instagram.




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An enchanting and fun-to-use deck packed with all the secrets of astrology. This luminous 70-card deck by New Mags is filled with fascinating information on zodiac signs, planets, asteroids, eclipses, and more. Click here if you are curios to know more about this game.



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